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    Head Office in New-York

    775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

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    Huruluwewa Tank

    More than three-fourth of Sri Lanka’s landscape is spread across the provinces of Northern, North Central and Eastern. Having been blessed with a fertile soil abundant in nutrients and minerals, these areas have been long since recognized as lands of cultivation and agriculture. However, the recurrent droughts found within these provinces stands as a burden for the production of good quality crops and harvest, making it almost impossible for the cultivators to continue yielding during the dry season.

    The Huruluwewa tank located in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka comprises of a high-end irrigational technology which demonstrates an unparalleled ability to adjust to climate variability. The experience gained throughout the involvement of this project is of significance, especially in resolving the water-scarcity problems that are rampant within the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Being the 15th largest canal irrigation system in the country, HWT adopts several fronts for adapting to climate variability, including; changes made by the iííigation management to the wateí íelease íegime; changes in the cíopping patteíns píacticed by faímeís in the command aíea, and the use of gíoundwateí which is íechaíged fíom íainfall, íeseívoií stoíage and canal iííigation, as supplemental iííigation. Such adaptation measuíes ensuíe that the available wateí supply in the íeseívoií is adequate foí 100% cíopping intensity oveí two cíopping seasons, even duíing píolonged yeaís of díought.

    Moíeoveí, iííigation management should consideí gíoundwateí íechaíge thíough canal iííigation as a íesouíce, which bíings substantial agíicultuíal and economic benefits not only foí  the  command  aíea  but  also  outside  the  command  aíea.  ľhe  adaptation  patteíns implemented in HWľ demonstíate how wateí-scaíce iííigation systems can achieve higheí economic wateí píoductivity, i.e., geneíate ‘moíe income peí díop’ to enhance climate íesilience foí people in and outside the canal command aíeas, and enhance economic wateí píoductivity in teíms of value peí unit of consumptive wateí use.

    Project Benefits

    Identified tanks in the project area (Huruluwewa, Manankattiya and Mahakandarawa tanks) will be fed continually.

    Target agricultural lands can be cultivated in both Yala & Maha seasons without interrupting the water supply.

    Enhancing access to safe drinking water.

    Creating a positive impact on the environment and for people in the area due to recharge of the groundwater table following water transfer through the newly constructed canal system

    Employment opportunities during the project implementation period for people in the surrounding areas.

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